Ramblings of a madman.........weird...man........
Friday, April 28, 2006
Calvin and Hobbes!
Calvin and Hobbes day to day!
Today has been a productive day. Proof is given above. :D
Nowadays I have nothing to write. Very good. I have been on orkut for the whole shift. Didn't even do the reports I was supposed to do. It's a pain. Nevertheless, orkut has been fun. Now I need some new topics. All topics of my interest have been a real good joy to scrap/post. Found out that a whole lotta bangalore guys n gals are on orkut. That was something I could've neva guessed.
Me and my friend have been contemplating on getting a premium account here. This is easily the most used site to download stuff from, especially movies/shows/vids. Roughly 500 bucks a month. I am just waiting for the tata indicom guys to tell me that they can provide a net connection at my area. 128kbps unlimited is 1.3k / month. Affordable if the speed is at least above 90 and the download is around 25kbps. Then I shall get an account for myself. Get my wife up and running and put movies big time for download. Thanks to torrents, a lot of rare movies are available online in a decent print.
I call my desktop my wife. All my close friends know that. So they also know that my wife has been fighting life and death for more than six months now! My friends argued that as I now have a 'keep' (read laptop :D) I am ignoring my sick wife. I know my wife, she's the best! Once she gets a new heart and lungs, things are gonna be just like the good ol' days! Multi tasking ( stop thinking pervertedly now! LMBO! ) downloads, kick ass effect from the creative 2.1 speakers..........sigh, now I suddenly miss her even MORE! :(( I will neva give up on her.
Once someone asked me 'So, hows life?'. This is one of the first times I was asked this question, so it's been a real long time. I replied instinctively 'Where can I download a full version for free?' and the other person just walked away. Must've thought.............I'm deaf! ROFL!
Monday, April 24, 2006
The Chennai trip

The Chennai trip
Me and three more friends went to a colleague's wedding. The bride was a colleague too = Dove marriage. Christian wedding in chennai. I thought I might as well shop for some DVDs on the way back...
So reached around noon, had one a/c room ( Did I mention chennai weather / environment sucks?! ) so bought not so chilled beer. Then left to the church. Reached right on cue. Bride arrives. I was *almost* mouth wide open. I know the bride. So it was a li'l hard to recognize it was really her. Bridesmaids were full ready with their respective partners. Groom was inside by the time the bride arrived. Amid a li'l chaos the bride enters with music in the background...........
I set foot inside and I was ......enchanted! Probably the only word that can describe close to what I felt. The ambience, decorations were all in place. What is the thing in a church that makes me feel enchanted? ......was what I was thinking....and started to observe logical reasons to the question. The white paint with mellow yellow bulb lights sure makes a helluva difference in a large hall! Then comes the artificial flowers decorated with makeshift 'doors'. There were three leading to the altar. Orange colored. Again, perfect color combo for a large space. The chandeliers were also awefockingsome. I was happy I figured out the reasons, at least part of them. The cermony began.......
They exchanged vows. Probably the only part I disliked about the whole thing was when the priest made it a point to repeat the line 'I always say there is a difference between a family and a CHRISTIAN family' three or four times in a span of a few minutes. What the!?!? was what I was thinking. A family is a just a social unit living together, mostly relatives most of the time according to our country. What can be the difference now , huh? That apart, it was an awe-inspiring experience.
Vows exchanged, it's legal now. Both of them seemed so happy, I was trying to decide for whom I felt more happier. The bride, who's a close friend of mine or the groom , whom I've known for more than five years now. But I was happy for THEM.
Next came the hall where they cut the cake, have their first dance etc..(Is there a name for this place/ritual now??).
The cake was cut. There was a local band (kicktheass!) who played 'only you' by the king himself. They played all the songs they did purrfectly. Bridesmaids+partner started. Groom n Bride joined. Slowly swaying to the music.......bride's head on the groom's shoulder......that must've been such a nice feeling....I moved inside the dancers n captured the bride n groom dancing for almost the whole song. I was gradually too far as I had to come out of the crowd. Nevertheless, I captured their first ever dance together.
One funny thing happened next.....Groom gets up to thank everyone involved. Knowing him, he had just the right words to say to everyone. "Last but not the least, the extraordinary woman I've known in my life, k..." was his last paragraph. After he was done, a family friend announced that it was the bride's turn and said 'We don't want the groom to have the last word, do we?'. I laughed. I was completely immersed now, peeking from behind the crowd. Bride gets up n says 'Thank you for letting me have the last word'...a pause..laughter again. Then she just finished her part of thanking the ppl involved.
The band started some peppy songs. ALL the gals there seem to know salsa! I was so surprised to say the least. A couple were easily the best. Their daughter used to come n pester them by pulling her mom's hand. It was nice to watch.:)
Then came the hard part....drinks on the house! Yep, that was the hard part....unbelievable but true. We were sweating under the humidity at 9 in the early night...and no beer! But obviously a good decision as beer would've got over very very very soon! tehehe ;)
Tried a li'l whisky with coke, one sip and I couldn't. My friend tried vodka with sprite, same status. So had some dinner n headed back to our lodge.
And oh yes, we were supposed to go shopping the next day. We found we just had money for lunch n to head back to our homes. So cancelled, searched for beer as cold as possible, one bottle and slept amongst our sweaty pillows!
One more thing.....while on the train, the TC had a tiff with some guys who were next to us. He came to check our tickets n started muttering aloud...(in tamil) 'these ppl sir, they think they can get away with anything. Some guy says he knows Mr.X, Y n Z. So I told him to keep his 'contacts' with him as it is of no use here.' I said 'Yes, it's like the joke in the tamil movie 'I know the DIG very well.................(all men around including constables show respect).........but the DIG has no idea who I am!' lol! It's funny in tamil, believe me. Everyone around us laughed. My friend asked the TC 'Sir, will the train stop anywhere for like around ten mins?'. TC 'No, it won't. Why?' . Friend 'Nothing sir,just wanted to know'. Me 'Sir, won't the train stop for a few minutes somewhere along the journey?'. TC 'Sir, why do you want to know?'. Me 'Dumm sir, dumm'. TC 'You wanna buy or smoke them?'. Me ' I have. But want to have a smoke sometime along the way'. TC 'No problem sir, you can go to the loo and smoke there'. Me (fullto respect n all now)'Sir, am asking your permission to go n have a smoke in the loo now'. TC (impressed!) 'Sure sir, go ahead. Please don't embarass me further!'. hawhawhaw. Had my smoke, came back n slept.
Phew..am damn sure I had a whole lot to describe but just can't get them right. So that was our chennai experience.
Friday, April 21, 2006

Been a while since I scribbled using the keyboard. Our CEO was down here and basically everybody wanted to know when he's leaving. Now you can imagine the pressure!
Now that he's gone, it's better. :D
Going to chennai tomm morn first thing to attend a former colleague's marriage. The bad........his wife from tomm is a better friend with me. Obviously when you get married, it hurts to know that. But marriage is a pretext or rather a secondary priority. I wanna go shopping for DVDs in 'paris (parry's?) corner. A stretch of around two kms with ONLY pirated DVD shops. Each shop is of the exact same size, a door size in width and double the length. But the rates are damn cheap compared to bangalore rates. And I thought 100 bucks for a DVD is cheap! lol!
Tis that time of the month ( no pun intended! ) for ME ie., no money to buy cigarrettes too! tch tch...........standard of living........directly proportional to the salary you get.
Nothing more to scribble on the keyboard. Not too enthusiastic today too.
Monday, April 17, 2006
Who am I?
Here's something new I learnt today :
The word "news" comes from a special use of the plural of the word "new" and not, as the common backronym claims, from the four cardinal directions (north, east, west, and south). Old spellings of the word varied widely—newesse, newis, nevis, neus, newys, niewes, newis, etc.
Isn't that simply something that you always thought you knew and turns out wrong!
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Ways of killing time...it always gets better!
Well, nothing to rejoice as my bank balance is not four digits. So it's not hard to imagine what the extent of spending would be, if any. Snooker has been my 'latest' passion although I must admit I have spent a BOMB in the last 8-10 months tryin it out. I must say am pretttttttttty good now. ;) Yesterday was one of the worst performances ever. Now that I am out of the 'owl' shift most of the times, it's really hard to stay awake in the afternoons and I end up sleeping at 1am.
Work is hectic!

You mean to say you actually believed me when I said it? lol!
Friday, April 14, 2006
Marty casey - Trees
I don’t want to go through this life,
Without you by my side.
I got it all worked out
In my head.
Here’s how it’s got to be:It’ll be you and me,
Up in the trees,
And the forest will give us the answers.We, we’ll make believe,
In a world we rule together.
We can build our dreams,
With a knot tied tight,
To last forever.It’ll be you and me,
Up in the trees,
And the forest will give us the answers.It’ll be you and I, up in the sky.
It’s a combination for disaster.Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!
We got one shot,
So where do we go from here?It’ll be you and me,
Up in the trees,
And the forest will give us the answers.It’ll be you and I, up in the sky.
It’s a combination for disaster.And I know,
there’s more for us in this life!Must be around the 30th time that I've been listenin to this one at full volume.
Pearl jam last kiss playing now............................
I love my love, my life ..............that night....
Padmabhushana Dr. Raj aka Annavru passes away ......

As a common public man, had to stay put at home the whole day and trust me, you get tired big time doing this. Managed to get hold of some whisky and three guys went to a fourth guys place for the night to sit n bore ourselves to death.
The 'host' got a lot 'tight' after drinkin raw whisky which was after around a quarter already. Asks me 'why are you so egoistic?' I just replied I guess it's something in me, so can't help it sometimes. The conversation developed big time, and it reached a stage where he said 'I am far more intellectual than you dude'. I replied 'Whatever makes you happy maccha'. He asked me to repeat whatever I had told him at the start of the conversation over n over again. After the fourth time, I got ticked off. Said 'you need to listen dude, you are just hearing me'. As it's a known fact between our gang that I haven't 'been there, done it' , he thought he would steer the conversation using this and started asking 'Maccha, how many babes have you screwed till now?' which was absolutely nonsense and obviously I tried to ignore the comment. But it so happened that every line I had and he had no answer, he used the same line. It was almost half past midnight..... I said that life is not ALL about screwing babes and is a lot more. He started the same line again. Then he goes on...'So you are taking fatso's side on this huh?'? I said yea, coz he too thinks you relate many irrelevant things to screwing babes in life. He 'You have food at my place and support HIM!'. I said I don't wanna give my 'vote' to either him or you coz it doesn't matter to me. Then him, 'I dont give a fock what you think but fatso's comments matter a lot to me'. This is coming from a drunken guy who got to be good friends with me, vice versa too, apart from the 'too drunk' factor here. I said 'I dont give a fock to what you think or what fatso thinks, I am telling you what I think and that's all there is to it'. I could ALMOST sense a screw falling off from his brain! He started shouting at the top of his voice 'What ra! WTF! WTF!'. Then came the insults. I didn't wanna start a physical fight over such a stupid topic of conversation so I got up and said 'I don't like what you are talking. I have had enough'. My brother (younger) tried to convince him to stop arguing because I was only replying throughout the whole thing rather than replying back to him. No use, he was too smashed out of his wits to even see how many of us were there I guess! lol! We just left the place at half past twelve and .................
Next morning, he gives me a call. I cut the call. He then gives the other person who was a mute spectator in the whole thing and the first thing he asks him 'What time did you guys leave in the morning?'. So ROFL!
The moral of the story is : If you are too drunk, you must be able to realize it to an extent and make sure you don't have crap coming outta your mouth rather than the normal place.
I obviously told him I wouldn't prefer to talk to him anymore.
Seeing this from a neutral point of view, who do you think should do something, if any?
It was a bad day as the kannada matinee idol passes away, taking many with him ( not his fault, but when fans go berserk it happens ) and then we had the most stupid arguement ever. Not a day I would like to remember.
Monday, April 10, 2006
Orkut rocks!
Found a whole lotta things that kept me interested for .........lets see now............three hrs almost! shucks, and am at work! LMBO! Been doin a very sad job today. Not worth explaining it.
Switched from winamp to foobar on a recommendation from a new friend (yea guy obv) who's doing an MS in computing and that moron doesn't know basics of the internet. After one conversation, he's my good pupil now. teeheehee
Listenin to 3 doors down - Here without you now........
Is there any friggin arian who's NOT hopelessly romantic? Neva knew one. Am seriously hopelessly romantic. What? nope. never had a girlfriend. Shit haffens. Whatta do. hota hai , chalta hai.
Been trippppppppping on mah home theater. My mom just shut her ears when I said 'listen to this song, sounds so good. Mom : Don't tell me, i can guess. Some headbanging song right? moi : no no mom, it is bery bery slow. Listen maadi. mom: okay............................ moi : WHO THE FUCK IS ALICE at almost 90% of the max. volume! my dear mom couldn't even hear the line properly so didn't comment about the 'obscene' word. hehehe
Am here without ya bahhhhhhby.............
Think bout ya bahhhhby........
n I dream about ya all the time.
God, if only my life partner is 'romantically inclined' at a VERY steep angle, if tis anywhere closer to my obtuse angle, we are gonna ROCK for life!
Switch :
Children of bodom's version of Europe - The final countdown...........now this one is awefockinsome. I deserve a smoke after listenin to this one.
Enough fer the day I guess.....
If you know any arian who's not romantic..........
Please kill him / her then n there!
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Happy birthday time!
Yea, so I turned another year older. Almost 30 and famous. Was there a movie with a name somewhat like this? No no.......am almost thirty and infamous! lol!
For the record, now am 28.
Just found out that my friend in Hawaii ( yea!) sent me something. The thought itself is so astounding. Man has gained leaps n bounds in technology and information sharing, but till date some things(thank god!) remain special. I have always believed that more man invents/discovers and technology improves, natural disasters will become more and more frequent. Nothing can be as scary as mother nature. On the other hand, absolutely nothing can be compared to mother nature's beauty! Just another weird things I believe in, strongly.
So here I am, this is me.........
At 28, here is what hasn't changed :
Well, so just another year passed by. No big deal coz nothing much has changed in me!
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Different strokes..........no pun intended. But now am thinking.......lmao!
Before the fire starts, the smoke comes out...
Literal translation of a hindi song can actually screw up your english! lol!
There's a new gang of ppl around me nowadays. All of 'em want me to 'just get married'. Don't know when this exactly started. I look four years (MINIMUM, mind you) younger than I am. It's like having a whole set of friends you never knew around you! Never mind the reasons for me to not say yes, I would just like to say 'I have my reasons'..(that's an awesome sounding line, will make anyone look smart! hehe)
Long long ago, can't remember how long ago.....I had contributed a li'l to a orphanage. It was run by a sister.
Now recently I just got a thought, there must be places run by hindus? Why did I get this thought? Must be the 'roots' of growing up in the community you belong to. Shoot, maybe it's not the roots, but the shoots! :)) Anyway, now I want to do something. But I am very selfish. I want to buy a DVD Home theater system ( SONY as usual ). I think I should get some payment for marketing sony in local circles pretty well I must say. If I am happy with a product, I will go out of my way to make others see what I see. Never mind if it's actually way off! That's part of me.
One of my friend wrote a blog on msn. I managed to get through the first two paragraphs. But this guy goes too deep as far as thinking goes. Was too much for my small sq. ft of grey cells. At the party we had, everyone was high to an extent. So outta the blue while I lick my fingers at the yummy food come the lines ...
Maccha, I have a cousin sister who's very close to me. She's working for (forgot the name, but obv a real brand name fer sure is all I can recollect) , VERY pretty. Marry her.
I was surprised at myself that I didn't choke or spit the food out. Guess I was too hungry for that...or was I?
Anyway, the bad is...........I am pretty sure he was just being "supportive" if I may....and being drunk would've just made it easier and maybe speak a li'l too aloud? Am not cent percent sure even now. But it's quite simple..the topic wasn't raised again, so it was just the spur of the moment when you are drunk kinda moments.
I can never stick to one topic and write.
Just proved it above! haha!
Saturday, April 01, 2006
I want a man who's handsome, smart and strong
One who loves to listen long.
One who thinks before he speaks
One who'll call, not wait for weeks.
I want him to be gainfully employed,
When I spend his cash, be not annoyed.
Pulls out my chair and opens my door,
massages my back and begs to do more.
Oh! For a man who makes love to my mind
And knows what to answer to "how big is my behind?"
I want this man to love me to no end,
And always be my very best friend.
I want a deaf-mute nymphomaniac
with huge b**b who owns a liquor store and a bass boat.
I know this doesn't rhyme and frankly, I don't give a shit.
Posted by a femme
My reply :
You gals want all these in one man!?!??!?!
If you compromise, I think you will see most in MOST men ladies. Tis a matter of priorities in life.
And I don't agree with the male poem. If at all there's a poem for a man, here's mine :
Black magic woman............need a black magic woman.
One who loves to listen.
One who thinks before she speaks
And one who knows that there's something called as a full stop/period after a sentence
One who knows when to keep quiet
One who knows that 'shopping' isn't exactly life
One who knows to stop!
One who knows to listen ..................
and listen
Oh! For a woman who makes love to my mind!!!!!
For a black magic woman!
She supposedly found the man of her dreams.
God save his soul......and his bank balance! lol!