As a common public man, had to stay put at home the whole day and trust me, you get tired big time doing this. Managed to get hold of some whisky and three guys went to a fourth guys place for the night to sit n bore ourselves to death.
The 'host' got a lot 'tight' after drinkin raw whisky which was after around a quarter already. Asks me 'why are you so egoistic?' I just replied I guess it's something in me, so can't help it sometimes. The conversation developed big time, and it reached a stage where he said 'I am far more intellectual than you dude'. I replied 'Whatever makes you happy maccha'. He asked me to repeat whatever I had told him at the start of the conversation over n over again. After the fourth time, I got ticked off. Said 'you need to listen dude, you are just hearing me'. As it's a known fact between our gang that I haven't 'been there, done it' , he thought he would steer the conversation using this and started asking 'Maccha, how many babes have you screwed till now?' which was absolutely nonsense and obviously I tried to ignore the comment. But it so happened that every line I had and he had no answer, he used the same line. It was almost half past midnight..... I said that life is not ALL about screwing babes and is a lot more. He started the same line again. Then he goes on...'So you are taking fatso's side on this huh?'? I said yea, coz he too thinks you relate many irrelevant things to screwing babes in life. He 'You have food at my place and support HIM!'. I said I don't wanna give my 'vote' to either him or you coz it doesn't matter to me. Then him, 'I dont give a fock what you think but fatso's comments matter a lot to me'. This is coming from a drunken guy who got to be good friends with me, vice versa too, apart from the 'too drunk' factor here. I said 'I dont give a fock to what you think or what fatso thinks, I am telling you what I think and that's all there is to it'. I could ALMOST sense a screw falling off from his brain! He started shouting at the top of his voice 'What ra! WTF! WTF!'. Then came the insults. I didn't wanna start a physical fight over such a stupid topic of conversation so I got up and said 'I don't like what you are talking. I have had enough'. My brother (younger) tried to convince him to stop arguing because I was only replying throughout the whole thing rather than replying back to him. No use, he was too smashed out of his wits to even see how many of us were there I guess! lol! We just left the place at half past twelve and .................
Next morning, he gives me a call. I cut the call. He then gives the other person who was a mute spectator in the whole thing and the first thing he asks him 'What time did you guys leave in the morning?'. So ROFL!
The moral of the story is : If you are too drunk, you must be able to realize it to an extent and make sure you don't have crap coming outta your mouth rather than the normal place.
I obviously told him I wouldn't prefer to talk to him anymore.
Seeing this from a neutral point of view, who do you think should do something, if any?
It was a bad day as the kannada matinee idol passes away, taking many with him ( not his fault, but when fans go berserk it happens ) and then we had the most stupid arguement ever. Not a day I would like to remember.
wow...that was some episode!
Seeing this from a neutral POV--since the guy called maybe u should have given him a chance to talk.After all he was drunk big time when he did all the talking...
Perhaps somebody told him how he behaved...and maybe he wanted to appologise.
But again I wasnt there....and dont know these people...so...
Sorry to hear about Rajkumar.
He should realize that he can't be what he is when he's drunk, right? According to another friend, he lost a bunch of friends to something similar. Well, no matter who's drunk how much, I will not sit and take abuses. Never.He actually asked us to leave, which I missed out in the post.My mistake.
He knows how he is as am sure loads of his friends before would've 'enlightened' him on his behaviour when drunk.
When you have a thought which says ' I m the most intellectual in the gang of ppl I know', it's not going to be possible for someone to apologize in this frame of mind.
Anyways.......what's done is done.
I could sense a screw falling off... ROFL u are hilarious. I will be watching this space ;)
Sorry abt Rajkumar, dunno who he was anyway, God bless... and for the drunken party.. once my best friend called me up in teh middle of the night stone drunk and started bakwassing. I hung up on his ass (3 times) and gave him a piece of my mind the next day. we're still best friendz tho... a friend is one who knows u're a good egg even tho u're slightly cracked :)
Well, if the friend starts shouting in your ear literally when you are tryin to sleep and shows you the door, what would you have done?
Agree on :
friend is one who knows u're a good egg even tho u're slightly cracked :)
Well, no matter how close the friend is, it's common sense not to abuse like MF..........I wouldn't take that from any 'friend' coz then it would make him a bad egg.
As far as your walking off was concerned, it was an intellectual way of saying shut your mouth and thus maintaining your dignity too. Now that your friendship with him is concerned, no one has the right to let you dowm however close he might be to you, because the closer he is to you, the more he respects your dignity. Now your not continuinig with him, i think you are the best judge to decide on his position in your life but keeping in mind that "it is easy to break something, difficult to make something and the most difficult is to maintain wha tyou already have.
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