Almost four in the evening. Me in the night shifts for this week. I could get shut eye only from 7 am to 11 am. It's almost 2 am now. Eyes gettin heavy already.....neways..
So my mom comes up to me and says vaishnavi n ramya are gettin the make up done. They want to dance to the song before their summer vacations are over. I said : okay, lemme charge the batteries of my camera. After the make up, the two gals who are in the fifth std came back with full enthu to dance to a song from the kannada movie aapthamithra. Song is called raa in come pun intended. :D
Here is how they looked.

The first time I saw vaishnavi's performance at the end of their summer camp.......I was almost dumbfounded! I asked her 'When did you learn to do all THIS now?' lol! She said, 'Of course I know how to dance. This isn't my first performance'. Topic closed. I had nothing more to say! She dances really really well, and when I use really really , albeit it doesn't appeal to the english grammar, I mean REALLY REALLY WELL! ROFL! I suggested to her grandmom to send her to bharatnatyam classes. Vaishnavi isn't too keen as she's more of the 'western' dance oriented. On the other hand ( or leg, whichever makes ya happy ) ramya knows a li'l bit of bharatnatyam. But she can't dance the 'western' style to save her life. I then started to realize why one person can't be perfect at anything. It makes sense after all.....
I suggested that we go up to the terrace of the next building and they can dance there. Daylight with ample space to prance around. The minute I suggested, bam! power cut in our lane. So no other alternative. Went n bought batteries for the tape recorder, borrowed an emergency lamp from my local nicotime adda shop.Came back to the terrace. audience from just four or five was around a dozen. Found out that the emergency lamp wasn't bright enough. Flop show! There was a store room on the terrace. Got it opened. Saw a 60 watt bulb there. Tried to unhook it, dragged the electricity line till the door. power was back on now. Not enough light to make them dance on the terrace as it was around 8 pm already. flop show number two! lol!
Decided that only option was to make them do their bit in our hall. Place packed with all families. So I started recording their performances. So after the first song and two dozen images, I had to recharge the battery and even transfer all the vids n images to the comp. The two gals had a younger bro each. Here they are. One of THE cutest pics I've even captured!

They danced to four songs and each time I had to say 'ten minutes break. Battery to be charged again'. Nobody groaned. :)
Phew, that took me out. All the running around , getting things done quickly , assist them to dance a li'l back as there was less space in the hall. Someone from the gang said at the end of it all.....Raghu is the director, producer, cameraman and the audience too. lol! That made me laugh. Finally transferred all to the comp n burnt a dvd. Dvd had both mpg n jpgs. So mpgs didn't play on my dvd player. Got the laptop, showed the vids there. Time was already around half past nine. Got ready in a jiffy. I always think of the line 'Somebody STOPPPPPPP ME!' from The Mask when I have to get ready in a hurry. hehehe